Game day-WEP day 4

We made it! Tonight was opening night for the Holly Springs  Salamanders and we were placed in an assortment of jobs. First we were assigned of handing out all you can eat wristbands for the “all you can eat” from people who had season tickets and packages. something else we did was help the mascot out. We took pictures for people and helped him maneuver everyone in the stadium. Overall it was a really fun experience and can’t wait till tommorrw which is another game day.


Day 3 WEP

For our third day, we worked with the General Manager of the salamanders to create tickets for free food. After that we got to meet some of the team and started to clean out their promotion closet where they keep toys and other items used for promotional events throughout the game. After lunch we came back and moved a lot of extra merchandise into different offices and helped sort that. Overall we had a really fun day despite not doing a lot of technical work as we were getting ready for opening night. I’m looking forward to opening night to see different behind the scenes operations that are done.


Day 2 WEP

Today we got to experience a little more to what the salamanders opening day and day to day operations are like as we got to make sure all season ticket holders got their printed tickets. We got to work with the sales manager here, who is extremely welcoming, and has taught us a lot about how things work here at holly springs but also at the Durham bulls. Opening night is Thursday so can’t wait for that and everything else in store for the rest of the days here.

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