Leading up to a Concert!

Today- June 3rd- consisted of an evening zoom for the Beyond the Stage Virtual Interview Series created just for the donors of the North Carolina Symphony. One of the most interesting topics discussed was the process of recording for streaming events. As seen in the picture below, the people who operate the cameras must know how to read a complex score with ease, and prepare the camera in advance for different instruments’ important moments.

And my time with the North Carolina Symphony doesn’t stop here. There is a concert at Koka Booth this Saturday at 8 pm as part of the North Carolina Symphony’s Summerfest that I will help run. I will be working backstage for rehearsals throughout the day and will also have concert duty that night. I look forward to this hands-on experience and all future work with the North Carolina Symphony!

Creating Artist Contracts!

Today- June 1st- was another amazing day! I was working with the artistic operations assistant for the North Carolina Symphony to create guest artist contracts for the coming fiscal year. I had to incorporate all the dates/times of rehearsals and concerts, the repertoire, the artist managers, contract requirements and the fees, etc. into the document. Although I couldn’t take pictures of the actual contracts I created due to legal reasons, I am able to include a template of one of the types of contracts:

In order to make the contract, I needed to use the schedule of concerts and rehearsals, figure out their travel info and find their agent. Here is a spreadsheet that is from this year (to not share unpublished info) that is very similar to that of the 2021-2022 season and the rehearsal/concert calendar from this past May:

Ticketing Palooza!

Today, May 27th, was another very fun day! I spent the morning working in the box office, preparing envelopes to be sent out with parking passes for the upcoming concert. You can look at this video to see how I prepared them before inserting the passes (video better seen on phone).


Then, I learned all about the behind the scenes operations of buying tickets to concerts and even observed a few calls being answered and tickets being sold. Again, today I learned a ton about ticket sales and everything else that goes on in the box office!

Day 4- Archiving!

Today- May 26th- was another great day! The highlight of my day was working on another project- this time for the communications department. Essentially, I was archiving articles that featured or mentioned the North Carolina Symphony and documented them into two PowerPoints. As I was archiving, I really enjoyed reading some of the articles- while some were more factual, others showed more personal connections with the symphony and it was very heartwarming to discover how people remember their very first time going to the see the symphony. Here are two videos showing the two PowerPoints I began (videos are better seen on the phone):

Video 1

Video 2

NCS Day 3- Corporate Sponsor Research

Today was day 3 – Tuesday, May 25th. Although I began the morning filing more paperwork, I was also able to meet with the Vice President of Philanthropy, Lisa Ransom, and we had an amazing conversation!

I spent the afternoon researching corporate sponsors— I looked through other symphony orchestras across the country and wrote down their corporate sponsors, the donation amount, and any other information provided. As can be seen in the video below, I created a spreadsheet to organize all of this information, which will be used to try to establish more corporate sponsors for the NCS in the future. (Video better seen on phone)

Corporate Sponsors Video

Overall, I had so much fun and learned more than I could ever imagine about philanthropy!

NCS Day 2- Filing Away!

Today- Monday, May 24th- was a fun day! I spent basically the entire day going through a huge stack of letters, printed out emails, receipts, etc. that were files of all the donations, gifts, letters, etc. from all the NCS donors. I alphabetized them and then ordered the files by date. Although this seems like mundane work, I was able to learn more about one of the people – Kayla – that has been and will continue to guide me through this work experience.

The stack of files that doesn’t seem extraordinarily large but in fact took me 4-5 hours to organize:

I was also able to have a career interview with the President and CEO of the NCS, Sandi Macdonald. I learned so much about how she came into the field, the struggles this non-profit had/has to deal with because of COVID-19, and so much more.

Today was an awesome day and I look forward to an incredible week!

North Carolina Symphony Performing Arts Management – Day 1

Friday, May 21st was the first day of my work experience with the North Carolina Symphony as a performing arts management intern. I began my day stuffing over 200 envelopes with letters and other documents that were personalized to donors to request further donations. What was so interesting about this was that I started to remember some of the names of the people these envelopes were addressed to. And later on in the day, I went to Meymandi Concert Hall to greet donors and guests prior to the concert as part of the marketing team (working to create an amazing experience for the audience members before they even step into the hall so that they will want to come back). And I was meeting and greeting people, I quickly realized how many names I recognized from the envelopes, which clearly shows how all the work reaching out to community members really goes a long way and truly impacts the success of the symphony.


This image shows all the envelopes I stuffed (the addresses are hidden)- I stuffed over 200.

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