Ivy Day 7

I’ve decided to go with the number of days the program has run instead of the number of days I have attended entirely because the number is bigger.

Today, I worked very very hard on a report that details a PPC campaign for mpro5. A PPC campaign refers to an ad campaign on search engines like Google, with paid results being at the top of a search engine, with the pricing model being that the company pays per click. I created a lot of graphs because there many outliers; I ended up with a total of 4 graphs, each with a different set of outliers removed. I also did a lot of research on how mpro5 is uniquely capable of success in the US market, so love that for them!

We went to Panera for lunch today, and my eyes gandered upon a croissant. I stared at it and I thought, “Wow, Fred would love this. He is a croissant man at heart, even though I have no idea if he likes them.” However, when I attempted to carry out this random act of kindness, a wild Darrin intercepted my delivery. #Justice4Fred

Ivy WEP Day 5/6

Because of traveling to DC for debate, I wasn’t able to go to work on Friday, so I guess that kind of changes the name scheme since it was my fifth day even though the program has been running for 6 days. We’ll see what I decide tomorrow.

Today was also busy. It was a lot of statistical analysis, and a lot of graphing. Microsoft Excel and I have become best friends, however it seems to dislike EJ strongly. I was the person she lamented to whenever excel decided to give her a numberless graph or blatant misinformation.

pebbles made the pain go away tho

WEP Day 3 & 4 (Ivy)

Yesterday was REALLY busy, from tirelessly working on powerpoints to compiling reports to frantically google searching; yesterday was a rollercoaster. This all started when Fred (#Fred4Life) tasked us with search engine optimization. mpro5 needed to be on the front page of google for people to recognize it, which makes sense.

For context, (also to answer Ms. Sellers’s question) mpro5 is a digital workflow management software that tailors its services based on its clients needs. It was started in 1996 in the UK and only expanded to the US a year ago. They service large and reputable clients like the UK National Health Service and the UK grocery chain, Tesco.

Today, we presented our findings to the Fred and his entourage, (the CEO and Founder) and it went well! We got a lot of praise and constructive criticism, as well as a history lesson from the founder, very informative!


Day 2 (Ivy)

  • We did a lot of work in the morning!
    • Finished up the spreadsheet (found 100 companies & their relevant info)
    • Started gathering contacts
    • Bonded with Fred & Mark
  • We went to the Morgan Street food hall
    • Armed with the power of hindsight, we rejoiced in much better food this time around
    • We also met up with friends from other programs!
  • dogs

Ivy’s Day 1

  • I took an extra-long commute today! (see below)
  • Researched and presented clientele for mpro5’s inventory management services
    • We finished way ahead of schedule! The plan was to take the whole day but we bashed it out in a couple of hours & Fred really liked it
    • We also built up a spreadsheet with quite a few extra companies that didn’t make the presentation
  • We also discovered a new place to go!
    • Visited Morgan street food hall
    • Consensus:
      • Don’t get the Indian food, it’s really spicy and not well packaged
      • Their east asian food is really good!
      • Avoid the panini’s


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