Chelsea– final day

Today our main focus was to present to Fredd Whip and Mark Self. We were each asked what we have learned from the Work Experience Program as well as new ideas for mpro5.

Overall, I believe these whole two weeks of people in a professional work setting was very beneficial for me as a student and future employee.

Chelsea– last few days

Although I was sick for the majority of the first week, I was able to catch up fairly well by the second.

My main memory with my team is working with new people and finding our strengths and weaknesses during research project (and the ping pong tournament). I was able to define what mpro5 was easily as well as learning new key terms such as SEO and PPC.

Day 1- Mpro5, Chelsea L

Our day started at 9am and ended at 5pm. Struggled to find and pay for parking in the heart of Raleigh, but eventually found our way to the 12th floor.

On our first day at Mpro5 we were split into two groups. Our goal was to find potential customers that Mpro5 could target. My group was assigned to research and present an elaborate project that researches the largest cleaning companies in North America that bring in a revenue of over $10M annually.

Also, Evan Alexander went home two hours in because he drank soy milk.


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