Today, we wrapped up our work experience program by meeting with Mr. Smith again to go over our findings. We met him at Carolina Cafe at 9:30 and presented him with our project results over the past couple of days. We showed him our i️information and explained to him the patterns and what surprised us about the data we collected. Mr Smith said that the i️nformation we collected would be very helpful for him going forward as well! After presenting him with our i️nformation, he explained to us how in recent years there is a notable increase in athletes coming out of North Carolina, something that was also very apparent in our data. This was very interesting to hear about as it’s something that i️ didn’t know about before. Also, we did another question and answer process which was very helpful in learning more about the sports agency process. I learned that being a sports agent is a lot more than just the money, and so much of it comes from the relationships you make with people. Mr. Smith was very helpful in answering Jonathan and Is questions about sports in general and also more about sports agents and what jobs they actually do. He stated the pros and cons of his job and stated that he liked his job 80 percent of the time, but there are cons just like there are cons of everything. The particular cons of this job come from people who fall apart while becoming a professional athlete. Altogether, i️t was a really good experience and i️m glad we had the opportunity to meet with him!