Last Day- Debate!

Today was a very busy day. It began in the Appropriations committee where members from each bureaucratic department spoke on why they need more money in the upcoming budget release. Then I headed to the House session where there was a heated debate on a bill that would allow concealed carry in churches that meet in schools. Rep Martin had a POI and made a speech against the bill. Then there was a heated debate on a bill that would cut pandemic unemployment by $300. Both passed, both are expected to be vetoed by Gov. Cooper. Then I meet with the Department of States Legislative Liason about the Moldova Partnership. Then I went to the Senate where there was fierce debate over Ms. Delli-Gatti’s confirmation. In the end, she was not confirmed but 10 minutes after the vote, the Governor’s office made her the Head of Clean Energy, a position that needs no confirmation. Then I spoke briefly with Rep. Martin about the ‘Long Weekend’, Fed. 10, and his statement on the floor. Then I spoke with the Governors’ Legislative Liason about Ms. Delli-Gatti. Then I visited the DPI where I talked to the director of charter schools about charter schools and the school choice movement.

Day 7: Controversy

Today was a very busy day. I began the day meeting with Secretary Gaskin of the DMVA. We talked about the DMVA’s purpose as well as his time working in NATO. Then we tried to attend the Health Committee, which was discussing an abortion bill. Sadly the committee was too full so we had to watch from the office. Then we went to a committee where there was a heated debate over concealed carry in churches. At the same time, the environment committee was supposed to accept Gov. Cooper’s nomination for the DEQ secretary. Instead, they denied it and the Democrats walked out. Then we attended President Pro Tempore Senator Berger’s press conference on why they denied it. They say she is unfit for the job and that they told the Governor yesterday after a Republican caucus that she wouldn’t have the votes. Then I helped Rep Morey and Rep Hunt (whose father was the governor) fold 800 envelopes to send to Rep. Morey’s constituents. Then I attend the Senate Judiciary committee where there was an hour-long debate over the abortion bill. This bill would basically mean that patients would have to tell their doctor why they need an abortion and if it is due to the child’s race or the child having down syndrome, then it will be denied. The bill passed with some heavy criticism from Senator Marcus. Then, i finished the day by folding more envelopes and discussed Hamilton with some L.A.s

Day 5/6: Long Weekend

There was no session on Friday so Chris said I didn’t need to come in. Today (Tuesday) was a very slow day because most of the members (including Rep. Martin) are still enjoying the holiday. I spent the morning discussing lobbyist and Kamala Harris’s ‘scandal’ with Chris before attending three committee meetings. Then Chris and I decided to call Lt. Gov. Robinson because he didn’t return our emails. Chris coached me on how to do a professional phone call and share my credentials without sounding pretentious. Sadly, he didn’t answer. Then I saw Lt. Gov. Robinson and we tried to say hi, but he said he had to go to the session. Then I went to the session and even though it started at 4, a caucus meeting meant the senators didn’t arrive until 4:30. Here is a photo of the roof that is next to the gallery

Day 4: The Big Cheese

Today was a very slow day at the legislative office because many of the members have already started celebrating memorial day. I started the day by going to a committee meeting on redistricting where a bill was passed that will give municipal counties the ability to register between the first and second primary (pictured to the right). Then we decided to take a tour of the old capital. At the old capitol, there was an event going on called Carry The Torch. In the old capital, we saw where the house and senate used to meet. Every two years the current house and senate go there to welcome new members. Chris says it sucks because it is so small and hot. (pictured to the left) When we were in the capital, we saw Gov. Cooper walk by. We went outside where he was and talked to him and took a picture (Pictured to the right). Then we headed back to the building where we grilled Chris and Lee on their least favorite members, where Chris eats lunch and Chris’s RHOP ex.

Day 3: Protest

I started the day at a quick senate committee hearing (pictured on the right) before heading to a second setting committee at the ’80s’ building with Chris. There we saw a lobbyist and her client debate the bill which was about giving North Carolinian’s incentives to return back to work. Then Chris, Jacqueline, and I headed across the street where we saw a pro-life protest. We heard a very passionate speech before around 4 pro-choice protesters were arrested. Then we headed back to the building where we attend a meeting with Rep. Torbett who is on the Education committee. Then we went over to Rep. Wheatley where we talked about the future of the Interstate Compact for Counselors. This is a bill that Ashley (lobbyist), Rep. Martin, and Rep. Wheatley are working on. This bill will make it easier for mental health counselors to gain a license in North Carolina if they already have one in another state. After this Chris and I headed to a press conference held by Rep. Pierce. Rep. Pierce was with a group who is worried about the ethical and environmental implications of wood pellet production in poor rural NC Counties (pictured on the left). At the Press conference, we could see the protesters had now entered the building and they were singing and walking up and down the halls. Then Aryan, Jacqueline, and I headed to the gallery to watch the session (pictured to the right). We saw two bills to be sent to Gov. Cooper’s office to be signed into law. Then they took a recess so the republican caucus could meet before the next bill was voted on (the democratic caucus had met earlier, no L.A.s allowed). Then they came back and voted unanimously yes on the last bill. Then I returned to Rep. Martins’s office and made plans for Chris to try and Schedule meetings with the Secretary of State, Education, and Military Affairs. As well as the Governor and Lt. Governor.

Day 2

Committee Room

I started the day at the Health committee where I listened to 4 bills. One on Organ Donor registration, one on insurance cards, one on decriminalizing a drug, and the last one on increasing Lipedema research. It was fun to watch because the chairman keeps making funny jokes. It was also fun to watch how they have changed in the covid environment, mixing a virtual and in-person group. I then listened to Chris take a call with Ms. Jackson about the upcoming BRAC meeting that Rep. Martin was invited to.

DMVA Building

We then walked over to her office at the Department of Military and Veteran Affairs. On the way over Chris explained what a BRAC was to me. A BRAC is when the federal government looks around and sees states that are not ‘military friendly’ and take away their bases. Rep. Martin works in his committee to stay one step ahead to make sure NC doesn’t get a BRAC, At the DMVA we met all the staff and we talked about their military experiences and what their jobs were. From cemeteries to family counseling. We were going to speak with the secretary (the big cheese) but he had a meeting. Next, we went to Senator Newtons Press Conference on his upcoming tax cut bill. Then we came back to his office where Chris called Domonique and they discussed Bill 791, which Grier Martin did some work on. Then we went and talked to some L.A.s and we visited the House Page coordinator to ask when the program will be up and running again, she said she didn’t know. Then we went on the ‘red carpet’ which led us up to the viewing rooms for each chamber. Then we went across the mall and tried to find Ms. Wheatley,

Rotunda at the top of the ‘red carpet’

but she wasn’t there. We returned to the office where Chris skimmed Yahoo news while Lee answered emails. We then discussed how people have been eating cicadas. Then we discussed soul food cafes in the triangle with some other Las. Then Rep. Martin arrived and we chatted for a few minutes while we waited for his BRAC meeting. Then we attended the BRAC meeting. Then Jaqueline and her mentor arrived and we talked about her mentor and Rep. Martin’s work on the interstate compact for counseling licensing. We talked about how it affects the quality of life for military members and how hopefully it will help military spouses get licenses in NC quicker. Once the meeting ended Rep. Martin left so Chris and I attending the Immigration Briefing for State and Local Elections meeting hosted by the White House on zoom. Then we started talking office gossip and that was the end of our day.

Press Conference

Day 1!

Chris cleaning those emails

The General Assembly

The Mall

Today was my first day working with Rep. Martin at the NC house of representatives. My day began in his office with is Legislative Assistant Chris. There was no session today so Rep. Martin was not here. While Chris cleaned his email we talked about his job as an L.A., his experience at an HBCU, his experience here as one of few HBCU graduates, and staying neutral on social media. We also talked about how this job is like seeing the books come alive. Seeing bills created and lobbyist in action. Then his intern Lee arrived so they decided to take me on a tour of the legislative campus. We walked by all of the senate and house offices. We saw my districts Rep, Joe Johnson, the deputy whips, and the party leaders, and the lt. governors office. We talked about the lack of Republican members in mask, we decided it’s a political move to prove party loyalty. We went inside the General Assembly and talked about the seniority in seating assignments. But then this lady from the speakers office and told us we weren’t allowed to be there without a member (oops!). We then walked on the mall and saw the department of education, and the department of motor vehicles. We talked about Jeff Jacksons campaign for senator, Chris and Lee are not confident in his nomination. Then we returned to Rep. Martins office where I listened in on Chris’s phone call with Mr. Assad. Mr. Assad very angry with the way he is being treated as a veteran (Rep. Martin is the chairman of the Veteran Affairs Committee). He is having trouble registering for help as a disabled persons. He is frustrated with the way his case is being handled. Chris is trying to help him by talking to his representative. They said they would call Mr. Assad but they never did. Then we went to Rep. Johns office where I met with him and discussed charter schools and the upcoming redistricting and possible gerrymandering. When we returned to Rep. Martins office, Lee was helping a woman with her stimulus checks. Then I sat in on a call Lee had with a lady advocating for medical marijuana. Then the day was done!

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