NCO Ariana

Thanks for the wonderful experience, NCO! I will miss all of you.

PS: Thanks to my work being not mentally stressing, I got the chance to listen to many audiobooks while working and have learned a lot of new things. I learned about Islam’s third revival in Egypt, figured out how to reverse psychology my mother, and also opened my first savings account and IRA.


Opera and the Spectrum of Human Experience

My Favorite Topic and possibly the reason why opera is so powerful: it has the ability to vulnerably portray the whole spectrum of the human experience with a combination of instrument and voice. Attending an opera is like seeing a Psychologist, but much cheaper. Operas portray the effects of depression, home sickness, schizophrenia, love, long-distance relationships, infidelity, jealousy, rage, revenge, etc. and confront issues such as sexism (Ex: Marnie), and racism (Sanctuary Road). They span time from 1597 to present and are set in an uncountable number of times and places (Exs: 1800s Italy/France 1960s England 1000 Scotland, Slave South US and many more).

NCO Ariana

Operas next season! I spent the whole day copying the 552-page score for Porgy and Bess. Needless to say, we now have a love-hate relationship. Oh, what am I saying!? Nothing could take away from this American classic! I still love it and will make sure to attend more than once next year. I can only be thankful to NCO for promoting works of its kind and so bringing in outstanding diverse talent.

Ariana Loughlin NCO

Interning at North Carolina Opera involves much scanning, copying, alphabetizing, sorting, counting, and hole punching. This is because the opera season has ended and it is nearly time for the yearly audit. Since the craziness has died down, the paperwork has piled up. There is never an inactive moment here and always something to be done.

Also it will not let me post a picture. 😥

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