
We got a lot of stuff done Today (Actually yesterday by the time I’m posting this). We worked on developing an app to help healthcare workers track data about mothers in their communities and it was pretty difficult. We also sent letters out to donors about a fundraising event coming up. Finally, when we left we took the recycling from the office to a recycling center and there was so much (pictured above).

Overall pretty successful

– Andrew




Today we are working from home because no one is in the office. Our goal today is to find a way to raise money for Curamericas mission, and we are planning to send an email out with a link to donate. I’ve attached the link if you’d like to donate through here, but a whole school email should be coming out soon 🙂




Today we went in and, as Christian said, we did a lot of scanning. We also checked in with Mr. Herrera and talked about our plan for the next week. I spent a lot of time after the WEP today working on my policy brief – basically a paper to educate people on a specific topic. I spoke about the Guatemalan Diaspora and researched the ways that Curamericas could help immigrants from the countries they are stationed in. I found some crazy statistics about remittals impacts on Guatemala’s economy and local communities, something that sounds super specific because it is, but also something that definitely interested me and gave me a new perspective on immigration policies and the impact deportations and low pay has on not only working class immigrants, but on the stability of their home country as well.

If your interested in the topic I’ve attached my research – but don’t be shocked if you find it a little boring.

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