Day 8

Today was my final day at Sift Media. As today was a Thursday, Bill Edwards, a representative from Sift Media China, joined us for my final standup via audio. After my last report of the Work Experience program, I got to work on finishing up my project. As I was already done with the behind the scenes algorithmic aspects as well as the front-end interface, my primary goal for today was get the program to save the users inputs in a JSON format. This proved more difficult than anticipated as many browsers either didn’t support downloading JSON (Microsoft Edge) or didn’t support the type of dropdown I was using. (Google Chrome and Opera) With much trial and error, however, I was eventually able to find a browser that supported both features I desired which turned out to be Mozilla Firefox. To celebrate the last day of my internship, we went out for ice cream at The Parlor, after eating lunch at the Q Shack.

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