Today, I visited the finance department of SAS. Throughout the day, I got to talk to many different people and got to see the different parts of finance. During one meetings with a global finance reporter, he talked about how they use programming to make it faster to categorize and clean up data within excel. He talked about how the process of doing their job has changed over the years as SAS continues to try and streamline all of the processes that occur within the company. This idea of making it easier and more efficient came up a lot throughout the time I have been at SAS, and it was interesting to see how many of the finance people knew how to use a simple programming tool called Visual Basics to make their jobs easier and more efficient. Today was also the first time where I got to sit down with the interns of a department and talk about how they got this internship as well as talk about college. There were 3 interns in the finance department. I thought that it was cool how we connected when talking about school and other stuff, although there was a significant gap between us both in years and perspectives. Even though the content that we learned today wasn’t as interesting as the previous days, I thought that we still learned a lot, especially receiving advice from the people there on how to seize opportunities and to always strive to find better ways of doing things.