Day 5

Monday was a slow but busy day in the home office. One of my favorite parts of this internship is the fact that I can work from home most of the time. It really gives me the ultimate flexibility with my schedule. Today my work was pretty much the same as it has been the past couple of days but I also got to work on a different aspect of the project. I started my morning by looking at the Oak City Amaretto website to verify that there was progress being made. Luckily the work looked good and I was able to move onto my next task. For the next company, GoKart, I simulated a ride by being the Driver and I confirmed that the automatic emails after sign-ups were working. That too had been fixed so I then went into the Client/Customer app and there I searched for bugs and any issues with the code. After marking any errors and checking off the improvements it was time to prepare some material for the upcoming meetings.

My first task was to do mock-ups of the backend dashboard that we want to use for the company BruVue. Zach, one of the founders, asked me to do some research to determine the best way to go about it and cater to their needs. After some preliminary research I got to work creating what I thought would bring the ultimate user experience. I created a total of five pages for the backend portal. The dashboard, inventory, “ontap”, settings, and users. I used a design program on my mac to create some very rudimentary ideas for what the functionality should be.

That was pretty much my entire day. I still have a possible meetings later tonight as well as the 11:30pm engineering chat which is a reoccuring daily thing. Tomorrow is going to be very busy so there will be a lot to talk about tomorrow.


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