Today was almost another normal day in the ticket sales office here at NCFC. However, when I came in, I realized that all the desks were taken with part-time workers like I, who had been recently put in the office due to their school getting out. That meant I got shuffled to the corner. I was not there for long when we had our MMM (Monday Morning Meeting), with Fred, another one of my bosses, going over the key takeaways for this week, including upcoming matches and what we needed to focus on. This meant I was back with a sheet of names to call, and the most amount of contacts between me and the part timers got free Starbucks from my boss! I did pretty well, but I will only know the results of my efforts tomorrow when see the board. Among the interesting aspects of my day was when one of my coworkers leaned over and said, “can you speak Spanish?” She had multiple people that could only speak Spanish, as they were exclusively Spanish speaking. This led me to staying a bit longer, calling back people from lots of other client lists that only spoke Spanish. A pretty normal day in the office, but a fun and interesting one putting my skills to work nontheless.