Day 3 – Short but Helpful

Today was my third day at Curamericas Global, and the work was definitely hard. My task is a continuation of yesterday of translating the website to Spanish. I actually finished quite a lot for the time I had.

I arrived a minute late, but still no one was there. Once our boss arrived everyone once again piled into the conference room and sat til our morning meeting. It didn’t start till much later today, but we still were able to share what we were working on. It was the same old, same old, yet Mr. Herrera decided to bombard us with random questions to see how much we knew. It was kind of nerve racking. Scratch that. I was very nerve racking. I’m not good at coming up with answers on the spot, and Mr. Herrera was really testing me. But luckily, I was prepared with answers – this time.

Today we also had an intern lunch for every single intern working right now – college, high school and adults. We got mediterranean food, which was nice. However, I sadly had to leave early due to a doctors appointment at 2:15. But while I was leaving work, I did see a very cute dog.

That was my Thursday.

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