Day 2

Excited and Anxiously waiting to arrive in Argentina I sat amongst 8 other Cary Academy Students on their way to Buenos Aires, Argentina for their exchange trip. It was 2:48 and it was time for our boarding group to get on the plane. I grabbed my delicious Starbucks in one hand and my camper bookbag in the other. My phone dinged and I read a message it stated..” Canceled: Flight 819 to Ezeiza Buenos Aires has been canceled due to government strikes”. Clearly, as you can imagine my heart stopped and I was filled with immense disappointment. My peers began to walk on the plane and I knew it would be my responsibility to get their attention and to let someone know that we would not be flying today. It was hard being the deliverer of bad news.  I have spent the last 24 hours working diligently to find a flight for myself to fly to Buenos Aires. Gratefully, I was able to purchase a new ticket and will be on my way very soon. President Macri has been a conversation starter for the citizens of Argentina. In fact, last year when I was in Argentina there was a similar strike going on.

Although i did not get the opportunity to work today i still had many things i was expected to do from home. Today I worked on 3 powerpoint presentations for my days in Quilmes. My first presentation is about Cary Academy, my experiences, private school life, who I am, and what work experience is. My second power point presentation is about the advantages and disadvantages of Slang. I talk about how some words primarily in rap music are becoming more and more controversial and about the impact these words have on different communities. My third power point is on a series of events that happened this year in the United States. I talk about our president, Gun Violence, Abortion Laws, and lastly Educational Systems and its faults in the United States.

The abrupt cancellation of my flight taught me how to handle tragedies and events while working for an organization. There was an abundance of people i had to contact to inform them on what was going on. Of course, my boss was very understanding but we had to be in constant communication. All of the pre-work has made me realize a lot about what it means to be a teacher. For example, being a teacher is a lot like being a student. You have to prepare and study for the course work you are teaching and you have to do the homework you assign to the students so that you can check it. Although this is a sudden realization I kind of like the idea of having a pattern. If this is what I decide to do then technically I’ll be going to school for the rest of my life.

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