Day 2

Day 2 was slightly more relaxed than Tuesday. Today for the first half of the day I worked virtually from home and was tasked with checking the work that the overseas developers had finished. In the program Asana the project managers are able to look at the website/app that is being created, and from there they can leave feedback and comments for the developers. The developers then see what needs to be arranged, or if their work was sufficient and the task is marked as complete. Today there was an already pre-existing list of things to do, but tomorrow I will be in charge of creating the list after visiting the websites and apps. The three projects that I am working on right now are: Oak City Amaretto, Learn2Win, and GoKart. I’m responsible for finding bugs and things that need to be changed and then creating an itemized list for the developers to work on. Oak City Amaretto is a local liquor company that has a family recipe that they are best known for. Learn2Win is a really cool program that allows coaches to assign their players quizzes for the different formations and plays that they can use while in game. The program is very interactive and allows the coaches to draw out their plays and fine tune the assessments for their specific needs. Lastly GoKart is like the Uber or Lyft for children. Sometimes it can be difficult for parents to get their children to all of their activities on-time but GoKart has drivers who go through extensive background checks, and can get the children to where they need to be. It is a really interesting idea and I know that my parents would’ve liked to have had it when I was a child.


The second half of my day was a meeting at Cafe Carolina with Taylor and Alicia. We talked about their current projects but also the ones that they might possibly have in the future! They have worked with a lot of clients so it is cool to see how they are able to make such a positive impact on the lives of their customers. We also discussed the plan for tomorrow consisting of more debugging, a conference call, and another meeting. The last thing that I have to do today is hop on the engineering chat, which starts at 11:30pm, and help talk about what needs to be done for the next day.


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