Day 2

Today would have been my first day working at North Hills Colegio. Unfortunately, we are still scrambling to find a ticket to fly me out. If my flight had gone as planned, I would have been meeting with my host family and preparing to sit in a class with 3 different grades in order to see the different teaching styles tomorrow. By observing and taking notes on how these three different grades are being taught it would be easier for me to identify which kind of learners North Hills caters towards (Visual, Auditory, and/or Kinesthetic). Sadly the one day strike that is happening today in Argentina has pushed those plans back. I took the free time that I have now to learn about these strikes that happen in Argentina. As I mentioned in my last blog, I have experienced a strike like this before and I will probably encounter another one while traveling to Argentina. This strike is actually the sixth strike that has happened while Mauricio Macri, the President of Argentina, has been in office. These strikes happen so that the Argentinian people can protest not only the economic policies but the social policies that Macri has made. Although it seems like the current decline of the Argentinian economy is all because of Macri, the past President was not helping the economy either. The past President, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, is actually accused of accepting bribes from different construction firms in exchange for profitable government contracts (while she was president). All in all the government in Argentina is just as complicated as the government here. Thanks to Mrs. Jones and my ADV government class it is a little bit easier to understand, but nonetheless complicated.


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