First Day at Anne Till Consulting!

First day at Anne till consulting! I had the pleasure to meet the founder Anne till and one of her associates, Katie. I spent most of my day talking and shadowing Katie. We first discussed a little about what she does and went through the packet that patients receive at their first appointment. The packet was quite fascinating and gave a lot of insight to what was covered in the meeting as well as some additional information. In addition to the meeting being very fascinating, Katie would refer back to previously stated events/conditions that would affect there nutrition and would need to work around. After the informational presentation was over, Before Katie went into the presentation about the different components of nutrition, she went over what the patient had ate for a days worth and logged it into a program similar to MyFitnessPal. She went over the patients calorie intake and how it was split over the different macronutrients and micronutrients. She briefly talked about where the patient levels were compared to the goal amounts. In the next visit she plans on making a meal plan and continue to discuss nutrition and how it is affecting the patient to help them better reach their goals. To finish up the day, I helped assemble the new patient packets.

I would say the first day was a success. It was a fun experience to see what a day in the life of a nutritionist is like. It was eye opening to see how many people lack the knowledge/confused about the digestive process and what role macro nutrients and micro nutrients play in our lives. I’ve always been interested in this topic so it was just something that was in the back of mind, but others don’t.


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