Today at FHI 360 we had a very busy day! We had meetings with many people at the organization. We met with the procurement team, who works on providing products for various projects that FHI is involved in. An example is special Toyota Land Cruisers, which are used for projects in developing countries. This team gave us some yo-yos from one of their sponsors, which we thoroughly enjoyed playing with!
After this, we met with Hannah Goetz, who is a C.A. alum herself! She told us all about her path from Cary Academy to FHI, and needless to say, it sounded like quite the journey!
Next, we learned about in field studies (specifically in India) from one of the members of the FHI team. We got to look at books given to adolescents in India, which were very interesting.
Finally, we met with the team from regulations, and learned about how studies performed by FHI are properly regulated. Honestly, I didn’t know there were so many rules!