Today, I started my day at 9:00 a.m. meeting for coffee with Kate Ulveling, a marketing intern. Kate and I met so that she could tell me more about her job. We met last week briefly, but she wanted to meet with me again, so we could go over some more things. At 10:00 a.m. I met with a woman in HR named Katie Henry. Katie’s job was different from my mentor Kayla’s, because Katie worked in HR for R&D (research and development) as Kayla works for University Recruiting. The difference is that Katie manages the HR needs for a team of people, as Kayla recruit’s new employees. Katie talked to us about both the difficulties and the rewards HR as a job has, while also joking about her job relating it to Toby from “The Office.” It is interesting how Katie uses different ideas like mind-maps and Myers Briggs to bring her teams together. After meeting with Katie, we met with Kristen Stewart and she told us all about the intern programs. She mentioned how they try to plan things throughout the summer and work to get the interns involved. After this, we had lunch with Kayla, Kristen, and two NC State professors that teach about HR. It was very interesting to hear what they teach and how they approach teaching their classes. Both of the professors worked in the HR field prior to teaching. After lunch, we met with Danielle, who works in HR for diversity and inclusion. It was interesting to see how this was a rather new job (only 7 months old), and how once Danielle figured out what she liked, she made her job happen. Prior to her, there was no specific job at SAS as a diversity and inclusion employee. After this, we got to listen in on a meeting between Danielle, Kayla, and Kristen about how to manage diversity when recruiting different employees. This was all very interesting because it was a rather new topic in SAS, so they could make up what they wanted to do as they did it.