Day 3- Coffee Beans and Book Reads

Today started off like all days should- with coffee. Mr. Hodgen observed as I made him a proper pot of coffee, remembering the skills that I learned from him yesterday.

After we both had some coffee, I was sent on a driving quest- to pick up some coffee beans (he really likes coffee) and to go to the bank. I was a little stressed at first because I am completely unfamiliar with the area of downtown Raleigh, but the drive went smoothly and I was able to get to the locations without any trouble. I retrieved his large bags of coffee beans and then made my way over to Wells Fargo.

Before I left I was given specific instructions “when you arrive at Wells Fargo, they are going to try and give you an updated bag. You tell them that if they take my Wachovia bag, you will lose your job.”

So I made sure to keep his outdated bag.

Yesterday I was able to listen to Mr. Hodgen mix a rapper song, today when I returned from my driving adventure I was greeted with a completely different sight. He was recording a women reading a book from the 50s about aliens. Her goal is to upload her reading to an audio book program. In only two days at Osceola studios I have been shown the incredible variety of things that Mr. Hodgen works on.


Fun fact: Mr. Hodgen has 41 lava lamps.

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