Walk West: Day 2

This morning I woke up ready for another day at work and also being another year older! Today, I did not have to go in to the office until 10, so sleeping in was especially rewarding. When I first got to the office, I had time to sit down and read other people’s blogs about what they’ve been doing. For the next couple of hours I started working on an excel spreadsheet where I entered in names, emails, and the organizations that client belonged to. At around 12, I was actually fortunate to be able to go into the NC State campus and meet up with Luke and Suki for some yummy Chipotle. We got to catch up with each other and hear about what the other person was doing during their day. For the remainder of the day, I finished going through the directory and added all the names to the spreadsheet. By 5’oclock I had entered around 328 names – a productive day to say the least! Since that had kept me typing and busy all day, I was able to go home after that!

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