Day 2 – Meeting New People

I started out my day by arriving to building C of SAS at 10:00. The first thing I did was meet with a woman named Courtney Vigil. Courtney has one of the coolest jobs I’ve heard of. Her official title is “Global Social Selling.” Basically, Courtney travels to all different countries meeting at the SAS headquarters teaching their sales employees how to use LinkdIn. In the two years she has been working with SAS she has traveled to over 37 different countries. Courtney was telling me how important it is to be on social media and stay active. She also showed me a software that they use that shows how effective her meetings are and in each of the different countries what an impact it has on them. The countries that are not as successful are the ones that she focuses more on. Next week she is traveling to Dubai and Mumbai, and the week after she’ll be in Johannesburg, Africa.

After meeting with Courtney, I met with a woman named Beth Bullard. Beth works in digital marketing and deals with digital advertisements. It was interesting to hear Beth’s perspective on how the digital and social world works. They have data, and within that data, they could get 157,000 leads, but then only about 500 people actually register with them. After meeting with Beth, I helped Liz on a project we have been working on, then we watched a webinar during lunch. After lunch, I met with Shawn and he gave me a tour of all of SAS’s video studios and how video marketing is huge. The picture above is pictures that I took of building V, down in the videography studios.


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