SAS Day 1 – HR

Building Q

Today was my first day at SAS, an analytical software company that helps analyze and manage data to help customers with decision making. Although SAS is located right across the street from Cary Academy I did have a little bit of trouble navigating the large campus, but fortunately, I arrived at Building Q on time. The day started with a quick tour of Building Q and its cafeteria. After that, I listened in on a two-hour SAS cultural presentation to give me a better understanding of the background of SAS and what they do. From there I headed over to Building C for lunch in one of the five cafeterias on the SAS Campus. The lunch was pretty awesome because they had almost anything you could ask for and it was all delicious. After lunch, I headed back to building Q to meet up with Christie Dougherty a University Recruiting Coordinator at SAS. She took Jessica Judge and I to a conference room to talk about what she does at SAS. I learned a lot about how SAS connects with colleges in order recruit highly talented students to come work/intern at SAS. It was very interesting to get an understanding of the entire process of how SAS actually goes about recruiting students from colleges to come work/intern for them. After that, I went Jess’s office, one of Christie’s co-workers. During my time at Jess’s office, I learned about the professional job recruiting and got to listen in on Jess give a job offer to someone. Additionally, I got to listen in on a conversation with Jess and a manager about moving forward with some candidates for a job. Overall, I would say that Day 1 was a very successful, fun day and I am really excited for Day 2 at SAS!!


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