Day 1 – Joining the IS team

I started my work experience this morning as an odd job taker of sorts. Carrying computers to box them up, moving boxes of charging cords and helping Mr. Qiao with some TV trouble. But after the short morning of errands, I was put up to a more pressing task of re-imaging computers turned in by the upper school. After an informative instruction on how to re-image a computer by Coach Moore, I sat amongst the towering stacks of computers waiting to be processed and got to work. Things were a little slow at first with me getting my bearings and maybe misspelling a few commands here and there. Once I got my system down though, I was cooking with gas and knocked out almost 40 computers greatly depleting the stack I started with earlier. I was glad to give the IS department a hand and lighten their workload by getting the computers imaged for them and I’m glad for the organization skills I gained while working today.

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