Today was Torture Tuesday at the radio station. This is one of the segments they do on the morning show with Jared, Katie, and Jason aka the hosts of the show. They basically torture the intern Hugs which is what they call him. He is supposed to do whatever it is they tell him to do for this segment. Today, Hugs had to jump into a pile of mousetraps on a trampoline. Now to me, this sounds stupidly painful but the reason they do it is for ratings and viewers. So I went with Hugs and Reggie, the guy who filmed it professionally to a house with a trampoline and we set up the mousetraps. Setting up the mousetraps was really scary because I didn’t want to hurt myself. So after they were all set up Hugs called into the radio station and said that he was ready to do it, and through the whole thing (jumping into the traps, etc) he was on the phone on the radio. I got to Facebook live to whole thing and now there is a video up on Facebook of him jumping into the mousetraps on a trampoline. When he started jumping, unfortunately a lot of the traps shut so it wasn’t as exciting or dangerous as it probably could have been. When he did jump into the pile, there was lots of screaming, but I don’t think a lot of it was real. It seemed to be a bit exaggerated. Like I said I was in charge of the Facebook live video and there were around 500 people watching at its highest view count. While live, people are allowed to comment and in the moment I saw lots of comments by people. Lots of people saying “do it already” and others saying “poor Hugs why?” And then there were also some mean ones but I’d rather not repeat those. After it was over I went back to the station and listened to the rest of the morning show. Overall, It was a very interesting experience and it did give me a nice idea of what other traveling segments on the show would be like.