Day 1 FWV – Michael

Today was a great first day at FWV. We started by arriving at 9:30. After arriving, Alaina gave us a tour of the office. THe office is located is the center of downtown Raleigh, and it is actually an old furniture building that they renovated. To pay homage to this, they have parts of chairs sticking out of a wall. The office was is three stories tall, and has a very welcoming vibe. After the tour, Alaina went over some basicc information with us, like when to arrive and whatnot. After this, we sat in on a call with Alaina and some other members of the social team. After lunch, we were split up into two groups. My group met with Peyton, who works on lots of different accounts. Peyton told us about Greenville, NC and showed us the booklet she had made for them. Peyton also told us about the process of researching clients, and gave us a general overview of how FWV works internally. After this, we were given the task to find influencers for Case Knives, a knife company. We needed to find any influencers that met a certain list of requirements. Overall, this was a really great first day. I really enjoyed meeting with Peyton especially, as she gave some great insight and introduction into the world of PR.

Here is a picture of me working hard to find influencers for Case Knives

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