Overall, my time at FWV was very enlightening. I think I really learned a lot about what it means to work in corporate America, and how an office functions. One of the main surprises to me was how free we were. Throughout the day, we didn’t constantly have someone watching over our shoulder telling us to get work done, yet we still managed to be productive. Also, I was really surprised by the scope of the marketing industry. When I pictured working for a marketing firm, I just assumed that there would be someone to research the market, and someone to design ads. I never really imagined all of the working parts that go into the machine. FWV has an entire creative team dedicated to ideating their different advertisements and logos. They also have entirely different teams dedicated to social media and paid media. While it is impossible to give one or two takeaway from such an intriguing experience, I think that one think I could take away from my time at FWV is that writing is an essential tool. Nearly every person that we talked to stressed the importance of writing in PR, and marketing as a whole. Not just writing copy or writing advertisement, but professional writing in general. If you cannot be professional or write in a professional manner, you will never be able to succeed in the business world. Overall, during my time at FWV I learned a lot not only about the marketing/PR world, but also about the professional world in general. Also, I really appreciate the hosts taking time out of their day to make this a meaningful experience for all of us.