LAST DAY-Bullous pemphigoid, cysts vs. breast cancer, melanoma

Today was my last day and I’m so sad to say goodbye to Dr.Boyse and her team of medical assistants. Today was really special because we treated one of Dr.Boyse’s friend’s dad as he had a bullous pemphigoid that looked like a bright orange clear blister. It was really interesting because Dr. Boyse’s uncle actually discovered the medical diagnosis plan in his third year of medical school. Dr. Boyse showed me his diagnosis studies called direct immunofluorescence microscopy studies using antibodies stains in a couple textbooks and found that the patient’s blood pressure medication most likely attributed to the bullous pemphigoid. We also saw a patient who had a cyst in her breast which we biopsied to make sure it wasn’t breast cancer. Luckily the results from the lab came back and demonstrated that it was not in fact breast cancer! At the end of the day, we did an incision on a melanoma and basal cell which required lots of stitches. Finally to end my work experience with Dr. Boyse she let me practice a small Botox injection! I’m so sad that my work experience is over but I had such a great time learning about dermatology with Dr. Boyse and her wonderful team!

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