Today was the much awaited ribbon cutting ceremony, which meant that there were loads of higher ups from California and Ireland coming into the office for a tour. There were also guests from the government, like the Mayor of Raleigh, and other guests including people like Dr. Goodnight of SAS. We were introduced to so many of the higher-ups at Gilead, and it was really spectacular to meet people who are so important to the pharmaceutical industry. After meeting us, a couple more people wanted to join our end of WEP presentation to Mark Berson (Gilead’s CIO and Cary Academy parent). Having close to a dozen higher-ups at the company come to watch the presentation is a bit scary, so we made sure to do lots of dry runs to our mentors, David, Deepti, and Michael. It’s really hard to express how cool attending this event was, as it really felt like a VIP meeting. Last note, we went to Cowfish for lunch with our mentors, definitely a lot of fun.