Day 6 – Researching a New Topic

Today I got to do some independent research on how DUIs are treated nation wide compared to North Carolina. NC is definitely on the lower half when it comes to being strict with DUIs, and I got to do some research into Arizona, which is widely considered the strictest states in the US when it comes to DUIs.

I also did some research into California and Colorado and the way that they’re dealing with those who drive under the influence of marijuana. Interestingly, it’s been extremely difficult for them to deal with marijuana impaired drivers because it’s so hard to detect exactly how much marijuana is in someone’s system, especially since it affects different people so differently. On top of that, since marijuana stays in the system for so long, there’s a lot of discourse about what amount should even be considered the legal limit.

I’m excited to discuss my research with Mr. Markham tomorrow and to see what he has to say about it.

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