Day 2- More Visits!

One patient had a scratchy throat and a cough. Dr. Kasula recommended that the patient take a strep test. The nurse showed me how to prepare a strep test. I helped prepare the strep test by grabbing a tube, putting four drops of solution in the tube and putting a cotton swab on the tray. I watched the nurse swab the back of the patients throat and she explained that you move the swab in circular motions in order to do the test. Once the swabbing was done, the cotton swab was put into the tube and a timer was set. The patient ended up not having strep throat, but rather just a viral infection.

I also saw Dr. Kasula give a COVID test. This was done outside in order to avoid any spread. Dr. Kasula used a swab and put it up the patient’s nostril in order to test. The test was then sent out and a computer system would alert Dr. Kasula with the results.

A different patient had severe abdominal pain. Dr. Kasula pressed on the patient’s stomach and assessed what kind of pain this was. Dr. Kasula decided that it could be possible appendicitis therefore he sent the patient to the emergency room in order to get it looked at further.

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