Day 1- Visits

As for specific issues, one patient came with a bump on the back of his neck and inflamed lymph nodes. Dr. Kasula told the patient that this was MRSA. Dr. Kasula explained that the lymph nodes were swollen because they were fighting an infection that showed that the nodes were working properly. In order to fix the problem the patient was told to use a cream for their skin in order to stop scratching and a specific ointment to help the bump.

Another patient had a night cough and vomiting. This was a sign of asthma. Dr. Kasula did, however, still prescribe something for the vomiting.

The last patient had a wart on their finger. Dr. Kasula used a freezing technique in order to fix it. I set a timer for one minute and Dr. Kasula froze the wart with a tool. Dr. Kasula advised the patient to use drops or an ointment in order to prevent the wart from getting bigger and allow it to heal.

After visiting patients Dr. Kasula charted everything. He showed me how the computer system worked and I saw all of the boxes that needed to be checked in order to complete the chart.

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