Reflection: FWV

Overall, I think that the time spent at FWV was insightful because it reinforced my interests in business, marketing, and design. What I enjoyed the most about the internship is all the new information I learned- most prominently, how many moving parts go into an agency like this (PR, social media, paid advertising, account management, creative work, etc.) I learned the difference between working in an agency and in-house, an agency being someplace that works with a lot of different businesses and works with many teams while an in-house business typically only works for that one business. This information helped me decide what I think would be a good fit for me going into the workforce. Additionally, I thought the very brief meeting with two people working in the Creative Team was impactful because it helped me learn the scope of design work, which includes building consumer profiles, developing a company identity, and of course, designing things such as logos, websites, flyers, etc. I highly recommend interning somewhere that is involved with something you’re interested in especially if you’re on the fence about it- because what you learn and glean from that experience can truly play a major role in deciding what is best for your future.

Here’s an example of an advertisement designed by the creative team for Burger-Fi!

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