FWV Day 2 – Michael

Today was yet another fun day at French West Vaughan. In the morning, we started off with another social status meeting. Social Status meetings are essential for day to day operations at FWV. After this, we met with Erin. Erin told us a little bit about her work for FWV, but mainly she took us through the plan for the GHSP and NCDOT. Erin said that FWV is working with the NCDOT to extend their Booze it and lose it campaign, along with their Click it or Ticket campaign. These two campaigns are extremely important, as they have save many lives in NC each year. Erin was taking us through a storyboard for an ad FWV will shoot for the NCDOT later on. After our meeting with Erin, we met with Deegan to take headshots. Deegan was really nice, and gave us some insight into how she got into the video/editing industry, and what her job is like on a day to day basis. In the afternoon, we met with Scott. Scott is in charge of all paid media for FWV, and he took us through the FWV BurgerFi campaign. THis was really cool, but also really scary at the same time. Scott showed us how FWV had geofenced off a FiveGuys in order to target BurgerFi ads to people who had walked into the FiveGuys. I was unaware google could do this, so it left me a little stunned. Later, he also showed us that google has a huge list of information about you that it can sell to advertisers. However, none of this identifies your name, so it technically protects your privacy. Overall, this was a really fun day, and I think my main takeaway is that ad agencies know a lot more than you think they do about your online activities.

This is an example of an ad that FWV was running for BurgerFi

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