Day 7- Digital p Media (June 1st)

Today I headed to Digital P Media to learn about video production.

We were going to help with their project of documenting the creation of the park in downtown Cary. We brainstormed what we would be recording. We decided on recording the b-roll of an ice cream store called Fresh.

They showed us cameras they used to record and dressed up a camera adding the lens, microphone, and everything else it needed. We learned how to set up a scene and set the camera angle and lighting.

After Shooting the footage (and getting some ice cream) I learned how they import all the footage from the camera. It was an amazing experience and I definitely want to learn more about video production

I was surprised by how much goes into this job. It gives me more of an appreciation for the simple things we enjoy like music and videos, there’s a lot of work that goes on behind the scenes.



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