I began my day by attending two committee meetings- “Rules and Operations” and Healthcare. The highlight of the day was the legislative session. After an interesting session last night with protestors entering the gallery, the focus of today’s session was the Compassionate Care Act. I learned about this bill in Rules committee yesterday. The bill would essentially legalize medicinal marijuana for fatal health ailments, such as cancer to reduce suffering. This bill received bipartisan support in the Senate. Many spoke about the impact it would have on individuals who deserve to live their last days in peace, and a sponsoring senator explained that it would also help veterans suffering from PTSD. A senator who did not support the bill felt that it only served as a “band aid” and would not address the root causes of the suffering.
I also had the opportunity to meet several senators before session today, all of whom are incredibly kind. It has been an honor to gain a new perspective on public policy. While I generally pay more attention to federal policy, I have a new appreciation for local policy. It has been an honor to be directly involved in the gears of the government.