Keloids, lip fillers, and atopic dermatitis

Today was an interesting day full of a variety of different cases. Primarily today there were a couple patients diagnosed with keloids. A keloid is a thick raised scar that is caused by excess protein in the skin during healing. Most often, keloids hang from the ear and surgical incision is used to remove them. Todays patients had them in their ears and in the gluteal regions. I helped Dr. Boyse through applying pressure to the surgical area using a medical gauze and holding the areas firmly in place with sterile gloves. We also put in lip fillers and captured before/after pictures. Finally, Dr. Boyse explained atopic dermatitis which was seen in a lot of patients and is known as a more drastic form of eczema in conditions of itchy inflammation of the skin. Today was also my first day wearing scrubs!

Keloid on the ear.

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