Day 8 – Last Day


Today was the last day 🙁 this work experience flewwwww by.

In the morning we met with Representative Blackwell (pictured above). He was funny and super clever.

In the afternoon I handed out legislative agendas for two of Ms. Perkinson’s clients to every legislator in the legislative building – this was pretty much the only grunt work of the entire experience so I was more than happy to help out, and it’s kind of what I expected.

The highlight of today was meeting with Senator Batch, the senator for my district. She was so friendly and down-to-earth, and informed me about the Senate Page Program which hopefully I will able to do. I also enjoyed talking with her assistant Matt Hardison who was very knowledgeable and gave me great advice.

It’s so bittersweet that my work experience has ended, it was such a great experience and I will dearly miss the legislative adventures with Ms. Perkinson, Ms. Beaulieu, and Zack.

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