Laber Labs: Day 6

Today we spent our work day testing the game that we contributed some level designs for, Laber Lab’s Zombies on Treadmills. You can play the demo on your web browser here! (Just a reminder that this is a demo and not reflective of the final product)

Shown in the picture above is a level that I designed, it is a stage in the shape of a dinosaur 😊

The premise of the game is that zombies have taken over, and you want to use the treadmills (the platforms with the arrows) to direct them on a path through walking in the directions of the arrows towards volcanoes (which kill zombies) and away from houses (which contain people, who you want to minimize the deaths of). You can use the WASD keys to move the camera, as well as zoom in and out using the trackpad. You can change the direction of the treadmills by clicking on them to create a path for the zombies to walk. The “Zombie Noncompliance” variable is the chance that zombies may not follow the direction of the treadmills, which you will need to account for. Once you have created a path you believe should work, you can click the “Go!” button to spawn the zombies and see everything play out.

We were the first people to be able to test the game, and gave feedback to the team at Laber Labs on various aspects of the demo, such as the artwork, gameplay mechanics, sound design, and controls. It was certainly a one of a kind experience that I am grateful for Laber Labs for giving me the opportunity to have a glimpse at the behind the scenes of developing a video game!

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