Day 6

More kids, playgrounds, mineral water and naps today. Lighter work today since less kids and more adults evens the ratio, yet challenging myself nonetheless. Todays highlight was when Markus (the lead teacher) took a light snooze on the beanbag chair during lunch and the children covered him in plastic dishes and fake carrots. He woke up when a child tripped while trying to place a bunch of fake grapes on his chest. My comparison for today is how much more available the public transportation is in Germany and accessible to everyone. It’s also cleaner, as I remarked to the host family nothing like the New York subway I know. The trains run efficiently and are located sporadically, effectively connected by smaller trolley or bus systems within the city. While this is apparent in America, in my expertise mostly utilized in popular urban areas. Yet here we were in small walkable Ettlingen where you can see someone you know walking down the street with a highly advanced bus and transportation efforts. In fact, my host family son Jan commutes to his university in the nearby larger city of Karlsruhe through the bus system, and I experienced it myself today. Lots of new riveting things and comparisons, looking forward to another day of exploration tomorrow. Tchuss.

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