Department of Health and Human Services- Day 5

Today, I was traveling to DC for a Speech and Debate tournament so I did my work Experience from the car. I was part of a meeting discussing how refugees are factored into North Carolina’s Department of Health and Human Services’ activities. The guest speaker addressed the mismatch of current resources to current needs, highlighting how the system currently assumes most people who require translators and other resources to overcome a language barrier speak Spanish, simply because there is a large Spanish-speaking population in North Carolina. However, the guest speaker showed us numerous statistics about the disparity between the number of primary Spanish-speakers and the amount of people assigned to them. This overallocation of resources has left other minority populations, specifically refugees from Asian and European countries, lacking the necessary funds to access health resources. The recent influx of these refugees has been on the forefront of the guest speaker’s work and it was very interesting to see her present her research!

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