Department of Health and Human Services- Day 4

Hospital Group Fights Rejection Of Medicaid Management Contract | WUNC

Today I heard from the Secretary of North Carolina Health and Human Services, Kody Kinsley. He, along with a few others, spoke at Dorothea Dix Park and announced new leadership for the NC Department of Health and Human Services. His speech laid out his goals for the next few months and gave everyone insight into how the restructured NC DHHS with the addition of new departments would help facilitate better access to resources for North Carolinians. At the end of his speech, he encouraged everyone to mingle with others, challenging us to meet 5 new people we’ve never met before. Dr. Moore took me around to meet Secretary Kinsley and other leadership within the DHHS as well as his current and former colleagues. This social hour gave me the opportunity to talk to other people within the DHHS that don’t operate under the Public Health Division. This allowed me to hear other people’s perspectives on current policy and operations as well as their journey’s to the position they are in now. Hearing all these leaders speak was inspirational and helped me gain a better understanding of what they do on a daily basis as well as in the long run!

One thought on “Department of Health and Human Services- Day 4”

  1. Hi Nitya! I love your posts! thanks for the photos and the great narratives. Please number your posts, “day 1, day 2” etc so those of us rotating the reading of them can keep track of your progress. I am impressed with how many people you are meeting! It sounds like you are taking full advantage of asking them questions and learning from them. I can’t wait to read more!

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