Ophthalmology Day 1

On 5/24, I shadowed Dr. Grace during her clinic appointments. Before this, I did not know much about ophthalmology, so I learned about the most common issues patients come in for. I learned about chalazion, strabismus, cataracts, tear ducts, and more! The most exciting part of my day was when Dr. Grace and I went to Duke University Hospital for an emergency visit for a baby with issues with her tear duct. One of her tear ducts was producing excess tears and mucus. After examining the baby’s eye, Dr. Grace concluded she has an infection and will need IV antibiotics to treat it. After the hospital visit, we went back to the clinic and saw more patients! Dr. Grace explained to me the importance of asking patients the questions in the image below and collecting important medical history to help diagnose the patient accurately.

patient questions for clinic visits
patient history and overview of the current problem

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