I’m personally feel great about my blog. A lot of people have actually came and told me how much they like it which is super great. I’m glad you’re interested in the work I’m doing.
More importantly, Joshua Baird’s prom fit was SO FIRE and we are not talking about it enough. Lame how this picture has 4 pixels in it, but it’s on Joshua’s Instagram if you want to screenshot. The shade of red he picked for his pocket square was super unique. Shame he didn’t get any solo flicks in the outfit tho. They could’ve gone hard. I think everyone needs to take some time to think about their fashion as well. Some of y’all are showing up to school in some really mid fits, and at prom it was even worse. I saw one dress what looked a little bit like a carpet in my grandmas house… what is up with that? Please work harder and do better for the future. Additionally some of the posts I saw had no editing and they were dark? it is so easy to fix these simple problems in this day and age. PLEASE work harder or I’m probably going to unfollow you. Did y’all know I was the McCall fan account? Super interesting stuff.
Leave comments if you’re a real one.
And also in the studio today we worked on tracking vocals, it was incredibly interesting and helpful to see how the producer helps the artist give their best vocal p
erformance and shape the record. Truly jazzed by this opportunity.