Department of Health and Human Services- Day 1

I sat in on a briefing about a recent outbreak of Monkeypox in the United States where novel human-to-human transmission of the virus is being observed. I also joined calls going over COVID-19 updates and policies. I met a few people who gave me some projects to work on as well as some helpful college advice! I talked with Dr. Moore, State Epidemiologist and Epidemiology Section Chief in North Carolina’s Department of Health and Human Services. I joined him on a call about COVID-19 animal transmission, which highlighted the shockingly high human-to-pet transmission rates as well as the effects of symptoms like loss of smell on narcotics and bomb detection dogs.

One thought on “Department of Health and Human Services- Day 1”

  1. Talk about topical issues! Sounds like some fascinating calls and conversations. I look forward to reading other updates!

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