Day 0, 1, and 2 – oops

There comes a time in every man’s life when he realizes he was supposed to make a blog post at the end of every day of his work experience. Now enjoy this post for the past three days.

Day 0: I slept. By this point, I had already communicated with the person who I was shadowing and knew what to expect for the day. I was told I only needed my computer and stable Wi-Fi. The next day I would come to realize I needed much more.

Day 1: I log onto the zoom call bright and early (9:00), and start my meet and greet with the person I’m shadowing. Mr. Ramarajan was very nice, welcoming, and an all around sick fella.

After a measly five minutes however, my Teams crashed and kicked me out of the call. No worries, I would just restart the call. Nope, when I restarted the call my microphone wasn’t working. No worries,  I’ll just have them call my cell phone. Just kidding, my phone died the instant I thought of it. No worries, I just won’t do the work experience program and dodge all of Dr. Mac and Mrs. Jones’s emails until school is over.

Eventually everything worked out and I enjoyed a day of meetings and project work.

Day 2: Today was much more relax. I had my daily check in with my manager, Ms. Gull, and I attended a couple meetings. I got to see what a designer does on the day to day, and how much work goes into choosing things seemingly as simple as a color pallet.

Overall, the past three days have gone on quite swimmingly and I look forward to the next 6 days.

Ps. Sorry Dr. Mac for not posting the other days but we ball regardless.


Like and follow my boy emerson @hoonphotos

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