NC Museum of Art Day 1

Today was my first day at the NCMA. I met with Felicia Ingram in the morning and she gave me a tour of the East and West buildings at the museum. After introducing me to some of the departments she works with, we discussed our backgrounds and her work at the museum. Because Felicia focuses on accessibility and curation, I attended a couple meetings she had related to that. We met with one of the IT directors about an interactive display that visitors could interact with and its development. Felicia showed me the process of figuring out where to set up artwork and we went to check on some of the new exhibits that are being put up. Felicia’s work includes the accessibility of labels, space between displays, and the amount of artwork put up in a particular exhibit. While being introduced to the entire museum was definitely a lot for one day, I couldn’t be happier with my placement at the NCMA and I’m looking forward to the rest of my time working with Felicia and the other employees!

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