Day 1

Mood & Attention Board

During my first day, I shadowed 10 different sessions where I bounced between two different OTs to get a feel for the different techniques they used and experience different kinds of kids. Most of the kiddos I got to work with today had sensory processing issues, so learned a lot about that. Sensory processing issues are difficulties with organizing and responding to information that comes in through the senses. Kids may be oversensitive to sensory input, undersensitive, or both. During the sessions, the therapists mostly started by working on sensory integration with tactile play. Also, some kids worked on fine motor skills, using the small muscles in the hands and wrists.

“Obstacle Course” for patient with Hemiplegia (Cerebral Palsy)

We also worked in the gym area where we set up “obstacle courses” that addressed a variety of skills and focused on sensory issues in the vestibular and proprioceptive systems. During each session, I set/cleaned up activities, observed, and then debriefed with the therapist about the child, the session, and any questions. It was a busy day, but I learned a ton!

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