the last 3 days – Julie

Tues 6/1/21: today was spent figuring out more of my interactable car tutorial!  I’m starting to have a way better understanding of how the code and nodes work.  I realized that if I hold down right-click while dragging across my screen, I can move around my code!  If only I had discovered this sooner – would’ve saved a ton of time.  Today, I worked on the car’s controls and how to get the passenger to enter the car.

Wed 6/2/21: Because I felt like seeing what else I could do, I started looking up tutorials for audio visualizers! An audio visualizer is basically a visualization (hence the name) of the beats or rhythm to music. This can come in the form of dancing cubes, a particle wave, bouncing spheres, and more.  I didn’t end up finding a tutorial I liked and worked on my interactable car more. Right now, the passenger can enter and exit the car if the user presses the E key and the car can drive.  The passenger has yet to drive the actual car.

Thurs 6/3/21: so my avatar/passenger disappeared! Yay! Well to clarify, it disappears when it enters the car and begins to drive.  As well as this, after leaving the car, the passenger would fall through the floor of the scene.  After tracing back in the tutorial I used and triple-checking all of my code, I asked the awesome Mr. Polge for help. After a while of him and I checking my code yet again and changing a bunch of small things to test out what could’ve been going wrong, we came to a temporary solution.  We got it so that the car would still drive from the player’s POV, but the passenger wouldn’t be seen until they exited the car.  Also, the passenger stopped falling through the floor.

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