Emily!! (and Van Gogh Guy)

This afternoon, we shadowed Emily Brice, an account executive at FWV. She had two meetings that we sat in on: an internal meeting about remodeling a website for new client 4Flow and a meeting with a representative of client Quest Diagnostics. The man from Quest was very eccentric which made a generic call particularly engaging. For example, he explained that he and his friends went to a Van Gogh exhibit over Memorial Day Weekend even though he has no interest in art and only spent 15 minutes in the Louvre. He ultimately revealed one of the fun, uplifting sides of public relations to me and I left today with an idea of how to identify Van Gogh paintings:)

Unfortunately, I do not have any pictures with Emily, so here is a photo of Linda and Sonia in a plant nursery that we visited during lunch.

Plant Nursery in Raleigh

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